Hello, welcome to G-FORCE!

Here you can find out more about G-FORCE, see what we do and much, much more.

Match Goals
Match Wins
Match Loss
Signed Players

Who we are?

G-FORCE Football Academy is a unique football academy that is aimed at grooming the most talented and skillful youngsters, and  giving them the opportunity to progress their career in football in Nigeria and all over the world.

About Us

G-FORCE Football Academy was founded in the year 2017 by a group of football enthusiast and business oriented sport men.

At G-FORCE Football Academy, the football passion in us drives us to settling for the best and nothing but the best. We don’t believe in luck, we pull preparation to meet opportunity.

About Coaching

Coaching is a very key parameter to success in football and we have some of the very best youth coaches.

All the academy’s coaching staff are personally dedicated to their role of converting talent to skills and enabling the students to develop and better enjoy the World’s greatest sport.

Our coaching crew is led by Coach Shav Anthony (CAF Certified) who is very experienced and vast in the coaching world.

Our coaches do not rest on their oars as they are constantly exposed to various professional courses and coaching clinics which help to improve their knowledge of the game and ensure that they impart the right level of discipline in the students.


Playing Abroad


VERY IMPORTANTLY!!! If you are a very skillful player and you do not have a good AGENT, you might not leave the four corners of your house that is why we ensured that we have HIGHLY CONNECTED FIFA LICENSED AGENTS that will showcase our players to the WORLD.

Training Sessions

3 Players, 3 Cones